Shipston High School’s student numbers continue to grow. This year the school will admit 120 new students into Year 7 in September – its largest intake yet. On 28th June we held our Induction day for those students to come and have a day in school to experience just what it’s like to be a student at Shipston High School. It is always exciting to see pupils from a number of schools join together with new friendships to foster and new experiences to share. This year was no exception and by the end of the day there were many smiling faces and an air of anticipation of what lies ahead. We are very much looking forward to them joining us properly in September.
It doesn’t, however, end there. We are already looking ahead to September 2019 and the following week, on 3rd July, we held an Open Morning for Year 5 Parents and pupils who are exploring possibilities for their secondary education. We were delighted to welcome into school around 60 families, eager to see what we have to offer their children – and to get a first look at our new building. Applications are now open through the Warwickshire Local Authority for places in September 2019 until the end of October 2018.